Kathy F.’s Journal

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On Psalms 127:3 by Elena G.

“Children are a blessing sent from above. I have been blessed with five…”

On Psalms 126:3 by Elena G.

“I am truly grateful for the Lords graces and blessings. All glory and…”

On Psalms 105:1 by Wally H.

“1. praise (Him) 2. proclaim (Him) 3. make (Him) known”

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Apr 07
Genesis 1:29
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Kathy F.
Kathy F. from Natalia, TX said:
I am always watching my diet. Originally, God gave us a diet of plants only. I try to eat a lot of them as I know a plant rich diet is a healthy one. I eat less meat. Now I read this and am blessed.
Apr 07
Genesis 38:18
He said, "What pledge should I give you?"

"Your seal and its cord, and the staff in your hand," she answered. So he gave them to her and slept with her, and she became pregnant by him.

Kathy F.
Kathy F. from Natalia, TX said:
Tamar was wise. She asked for the emblems that stood for who Judah was. When the people wanted to cremate her, Judah and the tattle tales were shown who had impregnated her. I'm sure that wisdom came from God who knew that His Son would be born from this woman's line. Matthew, who wrote his gospel to convince the Jews, listed Tamar in Jesus' genealogy, followed by their only child Perez, in Matt. 1:3 And, in Ruth 4:12, the elders of Bethlehem blessed Ruth's marriage to Boaz, finishing with, "Through the offspring the Lord gives you by this young woman, may your family be like that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah." And we know who was born in Bethlehem ! While the Book of Ruth finishes with the family line of Perez to King David, the lineage continues on for many years all the way to our Savior, Jesus. God took me through these verses one morning when my family was living in Fiji. I had planned to reread the beginning of Samuel I, but my eyes jumped back to Ruth where I read of the "blessing of Tamar". I asked God where it was and He said, "Genesis." I opened to the front of my Bible and on the page was the story of Tamar. I loved this story because we had two adopted children and were trying to adopt more during a mission we were doing in Fiji. I likened our adopted children to those brought up by the brothers who raised their sister-in-laws' offspring to the honor of their childless brothers. I also wanted my adopted children to know that a mother loved them so much she let them live. We were in line for a baby Samuel, and, that morning while I read about Tamar, my husband rang the orphanage that housed us to see if they had a girl about two that could be Samuel's big sister. As I finished, he ran back to tell me they did. " Guess what her name is?" he asked. "Ruth," I answered. His eyes got huge. "How did you know?"