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Apr 29
Job 10:15
If I am guilty—woe to me!
Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head,
for I am full of shame
and drowned in my affliction.
Patsy W.
Patsy W. from Burgaw, NC said:
Job is saying if he is guilty, then he wants to deal with it. Job is also saying even if he is innocent he is full of shame and cannot lift his head as people look at him and think that he is suffering because he has sinned. I know that he is feeling so discouraged and alone, but this is exactly what Satan likes when we get to that point. This is when Satan can do his work with us when we feel like nothing and are worthless. God, You know that at times I felt the same way and Satan tried really hard to keep me there with those thoughts. But thank you God for rescuing me from these thoughts. Of course I know its not over yet and so I continue to pray for You to help me when discouraging thoughts come to me.
Feb 23
Job 10:15
If I am guilty—woe to me!
Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head,
for I am full of shame
and drowned in my affliction.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
The ultimate awful emotion one can feel is shame. It's far beyond guilt as in, "I did something wrong, and I need to make it right". But it's as, "I'm wrong to my core and nothing can make it right bcuz I didn't do anything to bring it upon myself". Or "I did something so awful that I can't make it right and I just hafta live with it". It's the emotion u feel when you've been violated and blamed for it. It's what Satanis doing here. He's violating Job and blaming every one but himself. Papa God, thank You for sending Jesus to teach us about this dark, nasty, awful Kingdom. Thank You, Jesus for dying on the cross and taking ALL that shame and guilt. Show me how to appropriate that sacrifice into all my guilt and shame that I may never buy into Satan's lie that I'm somehow not enuf, regardless of my yukky circumstances.
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Well spoken, Donna. That's exactly what Satan loves to do. God bless.
Nancy M.
Nancy M. from Runnemede, NJ said:
Thanks Donna, you opened my mind to the difference between guilt and shame. You are a very gifted woman and God is using you to make a difference in my life. And yes, Lloyd that is exactly what satan loves to do. God bless you both, you are both a blessing to me.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
Thx Lloyd and Nancy.God bless
Feb 22
Job 10:15
If I am guilty—woe to me!
Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head,
for I am full of shame
and drowned in my affliction.
Mildred Y.
Mildred Y. from Virginia Beach, VA said:
When I'm guilty and admit it, then I can understand the chastisement, but the times when I didn't cause the affliction, that's when I start questioning God. OK God, what's this all about, what do you want me to learn through this'? I try not to be ashamed, because I know if God allowed it there's a blessing in it for me. Shame comes when pride is present, and I have to make up my mind that if God is for me it doesn't matter what man can do to me, say or think about me. I've been misunderstood so many times and apologized because someone was offended by me, and try not to drown in my afflictions, swallow shame and move on.God sees and knows my heart. This doesn't mean I don't hurt because I do. I've learned to cast all my cares on Jesus during my afflictions. From my walk with God I've learned that mourning may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
Nancy M.
Nancy M. from Runnemede, NJ said:
Yes Mildred, we can cast our on Jesus because He cares for us and surely Joy will come. Hopefully we will all learn what God wants to teach us so that we don't have to take the test over and over.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
So true, Mildred and Nancy. Yes life is like algebra. If u don't pass the test u gotta take it over. If u don't get this level, u won't get the next.
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Great comments Mildred and Nancy. Donna, as for algebra, wow, that brings back horrible memories. Took summer classes to try and get that subject and never did get my head around it, yet knew people who thrived on it. Hope I never run into something like that with the Lord, where I have to strive so hard and still blow it. It was the most impractical subject I ever attempted. God bless.