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Jun 07
Job 7:8
The eye that now sees me will see me no longer;
you will look for me, but I will be no more.
Veronica M.
Veronica M. from P C Beach, FL said:
Pain and discomfort is so hard to deal with. So much so that we habitually run from it and try to avoid it at all cost. I am learning that every thing has it's purpose and under the hand of God, its purpose...everything to include pain and discomfort... is to proper us not to harm us. The Holy Spirit used today's verse to guide me to Isaiah 43:1-44:5. God is indeed doing a new thing. He encourages me even now to no longer try to run from the discomforts of pain, but instead sit with it...sit with Him to learn and see that He is doing a new thing...creating a new creature in me. I am the new thing. I am God's inspiration. The person you knew me as yesterday... you see me no longer... Thank You God for creating a new me...for breathing new life into me, and for creating a way in the wilderness for me, for placing streams in wastelands for me. And likewise, moving through me to make a way in the wilderness, for being the streams in the wastelands for your chosen ones. You see them. You have heard their cry. And You answer. Thank You for your endless mercy. May You reign forever. In the name and for the glory of Christ Jesus. Amen.