Alan B.’s Journal

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On Psalms 127:3 by Elena G.

“Children are a blessing sent from above. I have been blessed with five…”

On Psalms 126:3 by Elena G.

“I am truly grateful for the Lords graces and blessings. All glory and…”

On Psalms 105:1 by Wally H.

“1. praise (Him) 2. proclaim (Him) 3. make (Him) known”

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Mar 23
Matthew 5:17
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Alan B.
Alan B. from Plaistow, NH said:
Jesus came to explain the law and the prophets. he said the law and the prophets can be summed up in LOVE LOVE of GOD first and then LOVING our neighbors as we LOVE ourselves. When we do those two things then we have fulfilled the law and the prophets
Mar 19
Matthew 1:24
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
Alan B.
Alan B. from Plaistow, NH said:
Joseph was obedient and did what the LORD told him to do even though it meant he had to go through times of riducule and persecution for taking on the task of being the stepfather of JESUS.
Mar 16
Genesis 2:3
Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Alan B.
Alan B. from Plaistow, NH said:
When GOD rested on the sabbath it wasn't because he was weary GOD never gets weary, it was because he had accomplished what he had created. He had created a perfectly complete world for man and he empowered the man with his blessing to go and tend the garden of Eden and spread it all over the earth so that the earth would be the garden spot of the universe.And when the man had accomplished this GOD was going to come to the earth and live with man forever.
Diana E.
Diana E. from Grand Rapids, MI said:
Feb 10
Genesis 1:3
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
Alan B.
Alan B. from Plaistow, NH said:
let there be light in english gives us the idea that God was thinking hey i need some light to see what i'm doing. But the Hebrew is much more emphatic GOD actually said LIGHT BE. GOD is Light so he was surrounding our universe and the formless earth with himself GOD brought himself into the universe when he recreated it after Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled. The earth before Adam existed was the home of Lucifer and his angels and all the fossil bones of the prehistoric monsters and animals before Adam come from this period this includes the dinosaurs and the apemen that evolutionists say man evolved from.
Janet K.
Janet K. from Kenosha, WI said:
I never thought about this verse meaning that God brought himself into the universe in this manner - thanks for sharing this thought-provoking idea.