Can ONE WORD describe a continent? For Africa that would be — you might say Hopelessness. For centuries, whether it was colonialism or corrupt governments, or today’s global companies — the continent of Africa has been time and again exploited

Christians, especially young Christians are full of HOPE. They are truly remarkable. They have confidence in Jesus.

League Partners situated across the continent of Africa are inviting people to meet Jesus through a wide range of evangelistic work. From door-to-door efforts to schools-prisons-shelters to large-scale outreach efforts, God’s Word is transforming lives. Even local governments and regional political leaders are involved.

Our roots in Africa are growing. As Africa grows to where 50% of the world population lives, League Members are poised to have a strong connection throughout the continent and to have deep roots grounded on Jesus Christ to help point the way out of hopelessness and exploitation and into the arms of a Savior.

In Africa, 3.7+ million people have been invited to place their hope in Jesus. In 2023, we are seeking to reach 525,000 more lost souls.